Hello, i would like to talk to you about the gap between poors and riches nowadays. The poverty has always been the condition of most men. But today, in our capitalism society, the top, and bottom of the gap both rise mutch higher than ever ! We are use to qualify occidental countries as rich and south and east countries as poors. The people we are calling poor in our country beeing rich compared to poor people in south and east countries. But it’s possible that we might be at the eve of a new area. The economic crisis that we are going throuth could be a major turn of the global economy. Revealing a new magnetic pol of the economy. Witch will be no longer the united states or even europe, but china, Brazil or India.
It is interresting to compare how the young people of our countries and the young people in the emerging countries are seeing the futur. We notice that they are most of the time way more optimistic than us. 50% of our young think the globalisation is a threat when 87% of young indians believe that the globalisation is going to be a opportunity for them and for their country. Young europeans are looking for hapiness more in there familly circles than in society. Those tendances are just tendances, but could be the first effects of a major change.
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